Women of the Apatani tribe are known for wearing nose plugs and tattooing their faces with a horizontal line from the forehead to the tip...
Anna Shtraus - Let's spread the magic
To celebrate their 5th anniversary, Instagram startet a photo contest : "Just post a photo that best illuminates Dubai and use the...
HUMANÆ - work in progress
One of our favorite exhibitions during GPP Photo Week 2017 was Humanæ, a “work in progress” by the Brazilian Angélica Dass. The great...
My Rock Stars - Hassan Hajjaj
Much like Hajjaj’s personal exploration, the photographic series, is an on-going examination of belonging in an increasingly globalized...
Three years after the conclusion of his trilogy, On This Earth, A Shadow Falls and Across the Ravaged Land, Nick Brandt revisits East...
Mermaids hate Plastic
Meet the creative photographer Ben Von Wong at GPP 2017! #Photography #GPP